
Flag of Namibia

Now that you have a firm grasp on Africa, Namibia is a country in Southern Africa. It is bordered by South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Angola, and the Atlantic Ocean. It’s shape is easily mimicked by holding your left hand out, fingers down and straight, but extending the thumb out as far as possible.

Map of Namibia

Namibia is pronounced differently, depending on which Namibians you ask. You could say nam-ib-ee-ya, nah-mib-ee-ya, nam-ib-ya or nah-mib-ya, but you shouldn’t say nam-bib-ee-ya or nam-be-ah. Don’t feel bad–I also didn’t know that there was a country called Namibia until I was told I was going there.

Namibia is a country of around 2.1 million peace-loving people, and about 100,000 taxi drivers. While its true that a few countries in Africa are experiencing internal conflict, Namibia has enjoyed a high level of peace and stability since its independence from South Africa in 1990. It is a great tourist destination for explorers.

For great detail on Namibia’s geography, people, government, economy and other characteristics, you can check its CIA World Factbook page. To get some sobering differences between life in the US and Namibia, see this interesting comparison page.

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